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Baystate Academy Charter Public School prides itself in welcoming parent participation and in being responsive to parents’ questions and concerns. Our primary concern is for the well-being and education of our students, and we are committed to open, honest communication with parents.

While the BACPS staff communicates often to keep parents informed of school events and procedures, we appreciate that families will have needs for information specific to their students. Your child’s teacher is the most appropriate person to speak with regarding a question about his or her school progress, classroom behavior, and/or educational program.* 

If you are unsure who to contact, please use the “Contact Us” tab in the main menu and the appropriate person will get back to you.

*Every effort will be made to respond to your requests in a timely manner, generally within two (2) business days.



Request a Translation

  • Submit  Translation Request Form.  
  • Please fill out the form completely. You will receive a confirmation email of your request at the email provided in the form. 
  • Incomplete forms will not be processed.
  • Our office usually takes up to 5 school  days to complete a translation, sometimes more depending on the length of the document and the language(s) into which it needs to be translated.

    What We Can Translate                       

    A translator is someone who translates a written document from one language to another.

    • We translate District, school, or class information for parents.
    • Examples include letters to parents, announcements, newsletters, handbooks or any document parents need to read and respond to.
    • Any other type of documents that district or school personnel consider essential and vital for parents

    Information Not Translated

    • Copyrighted materials.
    • Instructional materials for students.

    Contact Us:  Johana Arzola, Office Manager/Coordinator of Interpreter & Translation Services. Phone: 413-366-5100, ext. 129  Email:

Request a Interpretation 

  • Submit Interpretation Request Form.  
  • Please fill out the form completely. You will receive a confirmation email of your request at the email provided in the form. 
  • Incomplete forms will not be processed.
  • Our office usually takes up to 5 school  days to complete a translation, sometimes more depending on the length of the document and the language(s) into which it needs to be translated. 

If needed you can contact any of these administrators*:

Executive Director, Timothy Sneed

*Every effort will be made to respond to your requests in a timely manner, generally within two (2) business days.


Board of Trustees
Your written letter/request should be mailed to:
Baystate Academy Charter Public Schools Board of Trustees
Attention Board Chair
2001 Roosevelt Avenue
Springfield MA 01104


2001 Roosevelt Ave Springfield, MA 01104
Phone: (413) 366-5100 | Fax: (413) 366-5101







The key to success is dedication to life-long learning
Steven Covey